The Truth About N-Force Tek

It’s a New Year, and I’ve decided its time to tell you about my experience at one of my previous employers. I think its important for some people to know what this company really does.

I used to work for a company called N-Force Tek. It’s difficult really to label it as N-Force Tek since we used different company names on daily basis such as:

C2K Technologies
N-Force Tech
Azul Tech
Firefly Tech
Firefly Technologies
N-Cube Tek
L&B Tech
LnB Tech
Turnkey Tek
Turnkey Tech

These are all essentially the same company, some may have separate corporations, but they’re all working out of the same office in Culver City, with a San Mateo mailing address. All of these companies are owned by the same woman, she goes by multiple names such as:

Tina Fox
Florentina Fox
Tina Lupu
Florentina Lupu
Tina Collins
Florentina Collins

You may be asking yourself, “why does someone need so many different names?” I’ll let you decide for yourself.

We were told that the reason we had different company names was because each company over time had created a bad name for itself with various companies so hopefully we pitched those companies with a different company name and they wouldn’t pick up on the ruse.

I’m going to consider this a warning for all potential clients and employees. You may have a good experience with her, you may not, but this is what you can expect, or at least what’s going on behind the scene:

Warnings for potential clients:
The Tina Lupu/Fox/Collins method is this: We were instructed to go through craigslist job listings and regurgitate the ad back to the executives of said company. So if a company is looking for C++ developer with 8 years experience with x,Y,and Z technologies, we were told to add 3 years to the experience and email the executives saying “I’m working with a C++ developer, with 11 years experience with X,Y, and Z Technologies, would you interested in speaking with him?”

If the executive replied yes, then send them an agreement and get on Monster or Careerbuilder, find some candidates, change their resume to look better, change employment dates, add relevant technologies, remove irrellevent technologies, and send it over. If the executive replies that he wants to see a resume first, then we were instructed by Florentina Fox/Collins/Lupu to go into our pool of old candidates and find the best possible resume for that position, it didn’t matter if we talked to the candidate, or if they were breathing, we just needed the best resume possible to get the agreement in place. One the agreement is in place if the executive asked for that candidate, we were told to make up an excuse such as “the candidate isn’t interested” or “he took another offer”. Suprisingly this works, and I can imagine this has made Tina Fox/Collins/Lupu alot of money in the past. Its unfortunate that she has no management or people skills in order to keep employees around for more than 2 weeks.

Whether or not this is good, bad, or unethical isn’t for me to say, but is this worth paying 10, 20, or 30 thousand dollars for? That’s your call. She’s tell you that she has a 10 year old database of candidates, but really, what good is a passive candidate from 7 years ago whom she can’t contact?

Warnings for potential employees:
Tina Fox/collins/Lupu is one of the most ruthless employers I’ve ever dealt with. She’s a shark who is only interested in making as much money as possible for herself. She’s abrasive, judgemental, and she keeps everything very secretive. She refuses to tell anyone what their commission splits are until you’ve actually placed a candidate. At which time you’ll find out that you’ve been busting your ass for 1-3 months just to get a 10% split. That’s right, you take a client you found on Craigslist, and a candidate you found on Monster, put them together, and Tina Collins/Fox/Lupu keeps 90% of the money for giving you internet access. To make matters worse, you’ll have to fight with her just to get paid, since she changes every single agreement she makes with you at any given time. Tina Lupu/Fox/Collins will tell you 30% with a 5% or 10% “team bonus” and then when payday comes she’ll come up with an excuse as to why you’re not getting a bonus and you’re only getting 10%.

I’m still in contact with many former employees (and there are probably 100 former employees, yet last I heard there were 4 or less current employees) While I worked there i received paychecks from at least 2 different company names, and i’ve heard stories of paychecks bouncing do to lack of funds in the company account. Former employees have also told me that the Los Angeles County Sheriff came in and spent the day in the office looking for funds and assets to seize to collect payment on a lawsuit from a former employee. During my short time there most of the new hires quit within 2 weeks because they realized what was really going on.

I’ll post more information here as it comes in!

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45 Responses to “The Truth About N-Force Tek”

  1. SK Says:

    Thanks so much for this posting. I just got a call from these people as well as an email. You saved me from wasting my time.

  2. Craig Collins Says:

    This sounds like you’re a disgruntled employee and a coward at that. I think it’s very interesting that you slander someone’s good name that gave you a great opportunity to make alot of money but refuse to divulge your own name as the author of this false blog.
    I challenge you to come forward and display your identity because only then will this blog hold water. Until then this is a huge waste of time for anyone reading this.
    It sounds to me like you didn’t perform well at your last position and are trying to get something for nothing. Work hard like the rest of us and please stop wasting our time with this nonsense.
    I challenge you to respond……..

  3. yukyuk Says:

    i responded. unfortunately im not a disgruntled employee. There are over 20 employees who can say this information is CORRECT! oh yes the Labor Board can acknowledge this as well

  4. Craig Collins Says:

    It still sounds like you’re a disgruntled employee and and still a coward at that…if this is correct why hide who you are??
    Please stop wasting our time with this nonsense….his is a huge waste of time for anyone reading this.

  5. Greg Wu Says:

    I worked htere, and it’s all true. that woman is a bitch. She kicked my chair a couple of times, after I developed an attitude with her after i asked about all the secrecy, and what my cut would be. She never devulged what I’d be getting paid.
    I was there two months and personally, I felt the whole operation was a front for some other clandestine thing.

  6. paco Says:

    I’, still waiting on my damed 1099. I emailed her asking for it, and she said that “we already sent it.” no date as to when or any other information. I’ll be reporting her to the IRS and to the abor board. She’ fradualent and, I suspect, a criminal.

  7. paco Says:

    Does anyone have the phone number to the office? I really need my 1099, and she isn’t quick to respond to emails.

  8. AA Says:

    Sounds like some things (people) never change. Tina Lupu is her real name, and she’s been doing this for a good 8-9 years. If you work for her, “Good Luck” getting paid…….

  9. DD Says:

    Tina’s number is 888-576-1253 x5531

  10. yukyuk Says:

    whoa haha. N-Force Tech is tina too lol

  11. r pistol Says:

    I have done business with Tina and I found her to be highly competent and profession if a slight bit pricey but well worth it in the performance of the employees delivered

  12. henry tan Says:

    These are disgrunteld employees who got laid off with no job prospects and too much time on his hands. Please disregard

  13. Anonymous Says:

    It has just come to our attention that an ip address that belongs to n-Force Tek has been published for 2 hours on your blog site. We are speaking to our lawyers about this now. Obviousoly this compromises the security of our business. The people blogging here are trying very hard to hurt innocent people. We want this blog taken down immediately as this is a Federal crime or we will initiate a lawsuit.

    Legal Dept. n-Force Tek

  14. boo hoo Says:

    sob sob cry

  15. James Brown Says:

    I’ve got news for you, you make a living spamming people, and every time you send an email, it has your IP address attached to it. So if you want to claim that you’re trying to protect your IP address, you’re going to have to stop email people.

  16. yukyuk Says:

    N-force legal dept? you mean your fake law degree from ucla?

    bogus owner/lawyer/legal counsel/money stealer/police complaint filer.. am i missing anything else?

  17. James Brown Says:

    Strange thing is, I wrote that blog with your IP address yesterday and put it up for 30 minutes and removed it. You must sit there and reload this page every 5 minutes to have caught it.

    Now because you had someone (your husband or you pretending to be him) post on your blog as the N-Force Tech legal without actually having a law degree, I’m tempted to put the post back up.

  18. paco Says:

    N-Forcetek doesn’t have a legal department, PUH-LEEZ! get out of here, with that. they hardly have a coffee machine!

  19. Craig Collins Tina Collins Says:

    stop using fake asian names to mask your real names. Henry Tan ahhahhaha.

  20. henry tan Says:

    These are disgrunteld employees who got laid off with no job prospects and too much time on his hands. Please disregard

    thank you

  21. yukyuk Says:

    laid off? LOL does N-Force still operate with Tina as the sole employee?

  22. joe fung Says:

    sounds like it…when you don’t have a job you have a lot of time to do stuff like this

  23. Collins Fox Says:

    Sure is swell to have your own recruiting company doing well, lucky its no where associated with the evil witch

  24. Fox Lupu Says:

    Absolutely, the worst company. I wouldn’t even call ir a company. It’s more or a clandestine front. I doubt the people writing negative comments are only doing so because they’re jobless. These people are disgruntled, and they have a right to be. Tina/ Florentina has a bad awful attitude. In short, she’s a sour bitch.

  25. Freed From Reality Says:

    I’ve said this before, and this is not coming from a disgruntled employee, but charges are in the process of being filed. Florentina, you know who this is.

  26. henry tan Says:

    Employers are doing a service to our economy taking a risk and giving people like you a job, what do you do?
    Sounds like she is doing a great job and you need to move on, get another job if you can, but it sounds like you can’t with that attitude


    To Whom It May Concern:


    It has come to my attention that you published material on the internet which contain statements concerning the business practices of my clients, C2K Technologies, N-Force Tek, and its related business entities, as well as its principal, Florentina Fox.

    I have reviewed these statements and, in my opinion, they are both libelous and libelous on their face, as defined in California Civil Code Sections 45

    and 45a, respectively, thereby giving rise to a claim for both general and special damages, as well as exemplary and punitive damages.

    Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 48a, demand is hereby made that all of the statements be removed from the internet forthwith and that you immediately publish, in substantially as conspicuous a manner, a statement

    correcting and retracting the statements in their entirety.

    This communication shall not be construed as an offer to refrain from taking further legal action in the event of your compliance with the foregoing demands.

    internet attorney


    Attorney At Law

    9190 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 204

    Beverly Hills, CA 90212

  28. Florentina is a FRAUD Says:

    Breach of contract multiple times. This company is a fraud and Florentina will be facing a lawsuit soon. The sheriffs office has been contacted.

  29. Florentina is a FRAUD Says:

    Search for Florentina Fox on

    Other moves are being made


    * Account Executive at Vallis Technologies??


    To Whom It May Concern:

    You have 10 days to remove the following material or we will move forward with a get a TRO and file a lawsuit against your compamy for both general and special damages, as well as exemplary and punitive damages.

    You published material on the internet which contain statements concerning the business practices of my clients, C2K Technologies, N-Force Tek, and its related business entities, as well as its principal, Florentina Fox.

    I have reviewed these statements and, in my opinion, they are both libelous and libelous on their face, as defined in California Civil Code Sections 45 and 45a, respectively, thereby giving rise to a claim for both general and special damages, as well as exemplary and punitive damages.

    Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 48a, demand is hereby made that all of the statements be removed from the internet forthwith and that you immediately publish, in substantially as conspicuous a manner, a statement correcting and retracting the statements in their entirety.

    This communication shall not be construed as an offer to refrain from taking further legal action in the event of your compliance with the foregoing demands.

    internet attorney


    Attorney At Law

    9190 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 204

    Beverly Hills, CA 90212


    N-Force Tek will not be replying to this blog any longer it’s negative topic. This is a waste of time and energy.
    We will continue to provide good business and perpetuate a good contribution to or economy.

  33. yukyuk Says:

    puahhahahah provide good business? if you had good business ethics you would’ve had a great company by now instead of having no one working for you BAHAHHAHA

  34. William Thornton Says:

    Hey BRUCE M. FRIEDMAN. For an attorney you’ve got fucking terrible English.

    Where does an “Internet Attorney” go to school? University of Phoenix?

  35. Collins Fox Says:

    that’s because its Tina using her attorneys name again without his knowledge. Like how she used her divorce lawyer to threaten 3 other ex-employees without his knowledge.

  36. Ness Says:

    Bruce Feldman the tax attorney? GTFOOH!!! Tina Lupu is a fraud for real. Her name is going to get ruined online and beyond…There were three reports filed with the sheriffs office over the past few days.

  37. Ness Says:


  38. yukyuk Says:

    where were the reports filed? Culver City PD?

  39. Collins Fox Says:

    Someone should start a blog called “Why Bruce Friedman Sucks”

    1. He has a terrible grasp of english for someone who went to an internet law school.

    2. He picks shitty clients.

    3. He reads blogs and posts empty threats rather than doing real work.

  40. yukyuk Says:

    how many days has it been? over 10?

  41. Anonymous Says:

    FYI – She has resurfaced again … this time as Ventx Tech – using the name Erin Collin..and Jane Kim….

  42. just curious Says:

    any news on this?

  43. Anonymous Says:

    Does anyone have more information about this?

  44. Anonymous Says:

    N-Force Tek -C2K Technologies history:

    C2K Technologies was born in 2000 in the garage in Ventura, California, a suburb of Los Angeles.
    Even though C2K Technologies humble beginnings started in in the garage in Southern California in 2000 it has always focused primarily on the Bay Area Technology market.
    C2K Technologies co-located in San Jose CA and Los Angeles CA.
    In August, 2000 L&B Tech Inc. was born and name was changed to C2K Technologies Inc. in Dec 2000. The name was chosen as a way to portray the idea of universal jobs for the year 2000 the new millennium ..
    From 2005 to 2009, C2K Technologies promoted Recruiters from within to team-lead positions specialize in different market segments.
    Other search firms were created for them to specialize in specific areas of technologies.
    For example..
    N Force Tek was the first Search firm created to focus primarily on Networking (Analog/Mixed Signal Chip Design) positions.
    Other search firms spun out during this time and incorporated were
    Azule Tech (B2C positions), QA, Sales, Marketing
    Firefly Tech (Analog/Mixed Signal Chip Design, Memory Chip Design), Hardware, QA
    N Force Tek (B2B) and Networking, QA
    N-Cube Tech focused on Wireless, QA
    Turnkey Tech focused on Telecommunications, Semiconductor, QA
    C2K Technologies focused on Software, QA B2B and B2C
    In the year 2009, C2K Technologies acquired all the search firms, Azule Tech, FireFly Tech, N Force Tek, N-Cube Tech, Turnkey Tech…
    C2K Technologies focused on all technology positions in Los Angeles and Bay Area CA to focus all efforts on different segments of technology from separate teams.
    C2K Technologies has made successful placements at many household brand-name companies such as Google, Yahoo, Adobe, AMD, Boeing, DirecTV, EA, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Netflix, Oracle, PayPal, Samsung, SAP, Sony, Symantec & Tivo ..and more
    We so work with stealth-mode Start ups. Some of the above-mentioned companies were startups when we made our first placements there and gone on to be successfully acquired or go Public.
    C2K Technologies has made many successful placements and many candidates and clients express great satisfaction.
    C2K Technologies has trained many Technical Recruiters to become successful and work at companies such as Apple, Facebook, Google, Northrop Grumman, Oracle, Twitter, VMware, Intel, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Yahoo and more.
    C2K Technologies is proud of our story and success of all our corporations working on different technologies from Software, Hardware, Wireless, Networking, Telecommunications, B2B, B2C with locations in Culver City CA, and San Mateo CA
    The CEO and President Florentina Lupu Fox Collins is a great CEO and has given great opportunities to many
    “Tina” is short for Florentina

    Lupu is her maiden name

    Fox and Collins are married name
    The person who wrote these defamatory statements is an ex-employee of N Force Tek who tried to extort money from the company and CEO Florentina Lupu Fox Collins

    He went to EDD and file the complaint.
    EDD deemed he was not owed any money.
    He then threatened to extort the company N Force Tek and its CEO Florentina Lupu Fox Collins and when he was not able to extort he posted this on ripoff report

    He called the CEO Florentina Lupu Fox Collins and told her if she doesn’t pay she will regret this…
    24 hours later he posted this defamatory statement.

    This person doesn’t even reveal his or her true identity.

  45. hahah Says:


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